– Equilibrium:m. an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.2 mental or emotional stability.3 harmony of design and proportion.4 a counteracting weight or force.5 [MASS NOUN] a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
– Equilibrista:adj. Artista de circo diestro en hacer juegos o ejercicios de equilibrio. Ú.m.c.s.
– Equilibuá
. fr.Equilibois. Fam. Ekilibuá: expr. An alliance involving wooden objects and human beings working together by creating multiple geometrical forms to obtain astonishing feats of balance with dynamic transitions, tonnes of complicity and humour.

Two characters and their small rolling stock, playing on stage to see who is going to rise higher, until they reach the top, until it has to stop…
A risky game to see who takes the reins, but most importantly, always playing hand in hand.
Ekilibuá is a show for all audiences, a mix of theatre and acrobalance, knife throwing, handling of objects, with a lot of humour and complicity.

Performers:  Marcos Rivas and Morgane Jaudou
Music: Borja Fernández Farpón.
Direction: Jordi Aspa.
Costumes: Entretelas Vestuario.
Scenography: Inducable, Maintomano.

Duration : 50 minutes or 30 minutes version.
Flat floor:  14 X 7m. 
Height: 6 m.
Power supply: 220V.

– Equilibrium:m. an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.2 mental or emotional stability.3 harmony of design and proportion.4 a counteracting weight or force.5 [MASS NOUN] a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
– Equilibrista:adj. Artista de circo diestro en hacer juegos o ejercicios de equilibrio. Ú.m.c.s.
– Equilibuá
. fr.Equilibois. Fam. Ekilibuá: expr. An alliance involving wooden objects and human beings working together by creating multiple geometrical forms to obtain astonishing feats of balance with dynamic transitions, tonnes of complicity and humour.

Two characters and their small rolling stock, playing on stage to see who is going to rise higher, until they reach the top, until it has to stop…
A risky game to see who takes the reins, but most importantly, always playing hand in hand.
Ekilibuá is a show for all audiences, a mix of theatre and acrobalance, knife throwing, handling of objects, with a lot of humour and complicity.

Performers:  Marcos Rivas and Morgane Jaudou
Music: Borja Fernández Farpón.
Direction: Jordi Aspa.
Costumes: Entretelas Vestuario.
Scenography: Inducable, Maintomano.

Duration : 50 minutes or 30 minutes version.
Flat floor:  14 X 7m. 
Height: 6 m.
Power supply: 220V.

– Equilibrium:m. an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.2 mental or emotional stability.3 harmony of design and proportion.4 a counteracting weight or force.5 [MASS NOUN] a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
– Equilibrista:adj. Artista de circo diestro en hacer juegos o ejercicios de equilibrio. Ú.m.c.s.
– Equilibuá
. fr.Equilibois. Fam. Ekilibuá: expr. An alliance involving wooden objects and human beings working together by creating multiple geometrical forms to obtain astonishing feats of balance with dynamic transitions, tonnes of complicity and humour.

Two characters and their small rolling stock, playing on stage to see who is going to rise higher, unLl they reach the top, unLl it has to stop…
A risky game to see who takes the reins, but most importantly, always playing hand in hand.
Ekilibuá is a show for all audiences, a mix of theatre and acrobalance, knife throwing, handling of objects, with a lot of humour and complicity.

Intérpretes:  Marcos Rivas y Morgane Jaudou
Musica: Borja Fernández Farpón.
Mirada exterior: Jordi Aspa.
Vestuario: Entretelas Vestuario.
Escenografía: Inducable, CiaMaintomano.

Duración : 50 minutos or también formato de 30 minutos.
Espacio Requerido:  14 X 7m. Suelo liso, firme y nivelado.
Altura mínima: 5m.
Se requiere una toma de corriente de 220V.